Volpi Species

Volpi(s) are a closed species made by BobaKitty. You can not make your own, without an MYO

Volpi T.O.S

Volpi are a closed species owned by BobaKitty!
By owning a Volpi(s) you agree to these terms
If a rule is broken, it will result in you being blacklisted from the species!

General Rules

  • The Volpi adoptable/custom/MYO is yours to draw, commission, make a story with or anything for personal use.

  • You MUST at least credit me for the species. Please credit me on other social media with the respected account. (DA=Boba-kitty, FA=Boba-kitty, FB= Bobakitty, TH= Bobakitty)

  • Your Volpi can be used in events, raffles, or contests within the Volpi community discord.

  • All Volpi(s) can NOT be Co-owned!

  • You are NOT allowed to take your Volpi out of the species or change it into another species. Once a Volpi is made, it will always be a Volpi.

  • You can NOT use an already existing concept for a custom or MYO, unless the owner of the concept agrees to it (proof of agreement must be shown).

  • You can NOT use your Volpi for commercial use or NFTs!

  • You are only allowed to own one corrupted volpi at a time. This is to make sure the species is not overrun with corrupted volpis as they are extremely rare.

  • You will be blacklisted from the Volpi community for any drama, rudeness, or harassment! Once blacklisted your volpi/ you will no longer be allowed in the discord, as well as you are not allowed to purchase another design(adopt)/custom/MYO volpi (either from myself/guest artist/ or resellers).

  • DO NOT harass other Volpi owners for their volpi at any given time. If I am made aware you are doing so, you will automatically be blacklisted. If the Volpi is for sale/trade and the current owner denies you this does not give you the right to harass them, and like above if this is made aware to me you will also be blacklisted.

  • If your Volpi is found to be sold to someone who is on the blacklist, this may cause you to end up there as well (the first time a warning will be given, the second time it WILL result in you being blacklisted). As once blacklisted, they are not to own/purchase ANY MORE volpis from that point forward.

Adopts, Customs, and MYOs

  • All Adopt and MYO sales are final, no refunds will be issued once bought.

  • Refunds for customs must be made before the lining phase unless there is an extreme emergency

  • You must wait 1 month (from the date you receive the adopt/custom/or MYO ticket) before purchasing another. This is to allow others a chance and to stop bulk buying to resell later.

  • Once adopts and customs are bought you may change clothing, hairstyles, add make-up or character information (like name, age, etc.). Changes in rarity or adding things (such as freckles, scars, birthmarks, etc.) to the character is NOT ALLOWED!

  • MYO's must contain the correct traits for their rarity, once it is sketched/base colored it must be approved before use (this way if there are changes needed to be made, they can be addressed before usage).

  • MYOs must be approved privately or in the discord group's respected chat before posting on any social media publicly.

  • You can go to another artist for your MYO but you must have it checked to make sure the traits/design is okay before the artwork is finished that way changes can be made (the artist must also agree to this rule).

  • All Offical (adopts/customs) Volpi are automatically added to the masterlist. If this is not done within the month please contact Bobakitty to find out why it hasn't been added.

  • MYOs must be approved and then asked to be added to the masterlist by filling out a sheet for the masterlist upon approval.


  • ONLY adopts and customs can be resold, gifted or traded!

  • MYOs can NOT be resold! They are only allowed to be traded or gifted unless there is extra commissioned art (other than the initial artwork of them).

  • Once purchased you must wait 3 months before reselling/trading/or gifting. This way you can have time to grow with the Volpi and avoid massive resales.

  • Selling your Volpi MUST be approved by BobaKitty, and can not be more than what you paid for unless it comes with extra artwork (Personal art/commissioned art only! Pending artworks DO NOT add to the price until they are finished and posted).

  • Upon reselling/gifting/or trading your Volpi you must fill out a form for the master list and have both you and the new owner agree to that form.


If you, the purchaser, or the custom designer have not read the T.O.S. thoroughly, I am not to be held responsible for your own mistakes. This is a CLOSED SPECIES, not an original species.
Closed species means only I, or people I give permission to for MYOS/Guest Artist are allowed to create a Volpi.
I CAN NOT be held responsible if you sell/trade a Volpi away, and the third party does not hold up their end of the deal.
* I DO NOT put a copyright on animal/plant/mechanical features for others to use, however, I do put a copyright on the designs I create, the specific lore, and the specific details that make up the species as a whole, and they are not to be reproduced in any way.*
Creating a design that has alike features to my species does NOT mean that said character/design belongs to the Volpi species.

Volpi Lore

* Volpi(s) are humanoid creatures formed from fallen stars. When the fallen star lands, the Volpi hatchling will take on the traits of their environment. They often look human other than their animal ears and tails; which have a mind of their own. The main brain will try and act as human as possible, while the brain in the tail will react more on animalistic instincts. *
*On rare occasions, their star will land in an animal nest or even a man-made facility which will often cause the Volpi to take on more animal or robotic features. These types of Volpi are often referred to as legendaries amongst the species. They are often known to be more aggressive or timid. Volpi(s) are often a friendly species that gets along with most other life forms. *
In extremely rare occasions, an endangered Volpi will be born from their star. It is said to only happen about 3 times a month. Their personalities are either extremely shy or dangerous. They are often referred to as endangered due to their tails being too small to protect them from the dangers of the world, which results in most of them not making it past the infant stage. They have a large pool of traits.
On very extreme cases, a fallen star will crack against a hard surface or be attacked before hatching. This will often cause the Volpi inside to mutate upon birth. Most other Volpi call this, an corruption in the genes; aka naming them the corrupt Volpi. They often have genes others will not have such as black scleras, sun marking/ markings out of place, and a large black cracked area found somewhere on their body. They tend to be more mischievous than the normal Volpi. They also are often looked down upon by other Volpis since they can have animal features other than a cat or fox. Their tails tend to be extremely aggressive towards anyone other than themselves.


These are questions asked about the species and I will add more as I am asked.

Q: How does breeding work in the species?A: Breeding can occur amongst other species other than Volpi(s). However, a female Volpi can only produce other Volpis. Which happens when they climax, the tail will open its mouth wide and release unseeable particles into the air which will form another fallen star. Male Volpi(s) can NOT make other volpis, though they can give some of their traits to their offspring.
Q: Are there Male Volpi(s)?Yes! Though they are much rarer than female Volpi(s).___________________________________________
Q: How do families work in the species?
Typically, a mother and father will never meet their offspring though on rare occasions this can happen. As for siblings, it is the same unless they are twins.________________________________________Q: How do twins work?Twins are born from the same star, though they may have a lot of traits that are similar there are rare occurrences where they will look slightly different. They will always be the same rarity, though.
Q: Do Volpi(s) Glow? (I.E. markings, hair, etc.)A: Simply put NO! Though there are a few that have environmental traits that will cause their eyes to slightly glow, the only thing that normally can glow on a Volpi is the objects in their ears
Q: How long do Volpi(s) normally live?They are typically immortal though they can be killed like a human. They also age slower than normal humans. Once they reach age 20 in human years, it will be every 100 years that they will start to show a sign of aging.
Q: Do the tails have any facial features?__ A: Other than their mouth, no! they are completely blind and without a sense of smell. So they will often bite things that come into contact with them that is not their main host._____________________________________________Q: Can twin-tails have different personalities?A: Yes, they can have two polar opposite personalities or just have the same personality. It all depends on how you want them to be. For example, being one is a goofball and the other is serious.__________________________________________Q: What makes a Corrupt Volpi different from an Endangered Volpi?A: While a corrupt Volpi can have any trait though they will have different markings, black scleras, up to 3 tones of hair, and a large black crack on their body. This is all due to their genes mutating at birth. While an endangered can have a lot of common traits with normal Volpi(s), they only have a few different traits like chest marking, pupils, and bobtails.__________________________________________Q: How rare are corrupt Volpi(s)?A: They are the rarest rarity of the species as it is extremely hard to crack a Volpi star. Though it does happen and when it does this will cause a corrupt Volpi.__________________________________________Q: Can a Volpi mutate into another rarity than the one that they are born with?__A: No, once they are hatched they will stay the same rarity no matter what. _

The Mini Masterlist

By clicking the Volpi's image you will be brought to the respected offical masterlist page. Also if you are wanting to resell, trade or gift your Volpi to someone else please check out the ....

Things to keep in mind...

  • By owning a volpi, you have agreed to the Volpi T.O.S. If any of these rules are broken you will be blacklisted.

  • If you have a ToyHouse and it is not listed under your volpi ( it will be displayed as owner) please let me know. Also if there is any issues with your volpi information that needs fixing please let me know as well.

  • Every Volpi will be given a wait time ( 3 months) before it can be resold, traded or gifted. The wait time will start upon purchase of adopt/resell, trade, gift, approval of MYO and receiving of custom.

  • If transferring a Volpi via resell, trade or gift you must fill out the form that can be found here ( ownership transfer sheet ) or on the official Volpi's masterlist page ( this will be for people using TH only)

Master List #001
Current owner: TigerNeko9796
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Uncommon
Type of Purchase: Official
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #002
Current owner: BobaKitty
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Rare
Type of Purchase: Official
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #003
Current owner: GrimmPrincess
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Uncommon
Type of Purchase: Adopt
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #004
Current owner: Merlinda
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Legendary
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #005
Current owner: Alya
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Rare
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #006
Current owner: WingedFoxMage
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Legendary
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell❌/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #007
Current owner: WingedFoxMage
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Common
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #008
Current owner: William
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Legendary
Type of Purchase: Adopt
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #009
Current owner: GrimmPrincess
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Rare
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #010
Current owner: Feitan
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Rare
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #011
Current owner: William
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Legendary
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #012
Current owner: Merlinda
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Legendary
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #013
Current owner: BobaKitty
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Rare
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #014
Current owner: HexHuntingHound
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Legendary
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #015
Current owner: BobaKitty
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Endangered
Type of Purchase: Official
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #016
Current owner: TigerNeko9796
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Legendary
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #017
Current owner: TigerNeko9796
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Legendary
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #018
Current owner: 𝕿𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝕶𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖓#0202
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Common
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #019
Current owner: BobaKitty
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Endangered
Type of Purchase: Official
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #020
Current owner: SinderellaDeVita
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Endangered
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #021
Current owner: WingedFoxMage
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Endangered
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #022
Current owner: GrimmPrincess
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Endangered
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #023
Current owner: YoYoshi20
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Legendary
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #024
Current owner: WingedFoxMage
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Uncommon
Type of Purchase: Adopt
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #025
Current owner: WingedFoxMage
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Common
Type of Purchase: Adopt
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #026
Current owner: GrimmPrincess
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Legendary
Type of Purchase: Adopt
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #027
Current owner: DragonOfLife
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Rare
Type of Purchase: Adopt
Wait time: --
Resell❌/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #028
Current owner: WingedFoxMage
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Legendary
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #029
Current owner: HexHound
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Rare
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #030
Current owner: WingedFoxMage
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Endangered
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #031
Current owner: HopeWorldAngel
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Rare
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #032
Current owner: Natasha Spring
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Common
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #032
Current owner: WingedFoxMage
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Common
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #034
Current owner: Kori Valentine
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Legendary
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #035
Current owner: Orion
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Legendary
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Master List #036
Current owner: Hexhound
Designer: BobaKitty
Rarity: Rare
Type of Purchase: Custom
Wait time: --
Resell✔️/ Trade✔️/ Gift✔️

Volpi Transfer Information

  • By owning a Volpi, you have already agreed to the Volpi T.O.S.

  • Please make sure before transferring and making a sale, trade, or gift that the recipient agrees to the Volpi T.O.S.

  • Make sure the recipient is not on the blacklist, as a sale to blacklisted users is not allowed. Click here to see blacklist

  • MAKE SURE your Volpi is not on a wait time before reselling, trading, or gifting. You can find out here on the masterlist(click to see) . As they will not be able to be resold, traded or gifted until that time is up.

  • MYOs can not be resold, traded, or gifted if they have not been made/approved first.

  • Make sure to check your Volpi's respected method of transfers here, , to make sure you are not going against what is allowed.

  • If this is form not filled out and sent to BobaKitty privately so it can be officially logged, the the new owner will not be seen as its current owner ( which may cause issues for both you and the new owner.)

  • If you own a TH, please fill this form out on your respected Volpi's TH masterlist page before making the sale final.

  • When filling out the form, if it is a resell you must list the price of the volpi ( original price+commissioned/personal art value. Keep in mind that pending art does NOT add to the value until the artwork is finished.)

Fill out form

  • Masterlist Number: (#000)

  • Current owner: (Username listed on masterlist)

  • New owner: (Their username, if they have a TH please list that name)

  • Transfer method: (resell, trade, gift)

  • If resell, current value: (original price+commissioned artwork)

  • Date of transfer: (month/day/year)

Volpi Traits

Rarity Guide

***Must have Traits ***

Optional Traits

Corrupt ONLY Traits

  • Sparkles throughout the hair, backs of ears, and tail.

  • Color of eyes determines the color of the inside of the mouth(s), guts, and blood (if heterochromia, only one eye color will be dominant).

  • Single or two-tone hair.

  • Chest markings; Star and Moon (Rare and Legendary ONLY), Broken Star (Endangered ONLY).

  • Arm and waist markings; 2 on the arms, 1 on the waist.

  • Animal Nose (Rare and Legendary ONLY)

  • Horns ( Legendary, Endangered and Corrupted ONLY)

  • Face Stripes (Rare, Legendary, Endangered,and Corrupted ONLY)

  • Hands and Feet the same color as markings (Legendary ONLY)

  • Can have up to 3 colors of hair.

  • Medium/large black crack somewhere on the body.

  • Black Scleras (whites of the eyes)

  • Sun marking on the back of the ears.

  • Chest marking; a crescent moon.

  • Arm and waist marking; 1 on the arms, 2 on the waist.